Certified Matrix Energetics Practitioner in Wichita, KS

My name is Sara Belt. I am a Reiki Master from the Stonewood linage which means I’m qualified to teach Reiki classes. My training also includes Matrix Energetics. I’m an Ordained Minister and I live in Wichita, KS but I can help people anywhere in the US by way of phone or Zoom. Services I provide are Healing Sessions (Reiki and Matrix Energetics), Akashic Record Readings and RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy). I have been in business since 2008 and my passion is helping women like you heal and make the changes you want. Your pathway is unique to you and It’s a honor to help you.
I have had a call to service since I was a little girl; however, I just didn’t know in what way or capacity that would be. All healing is Loving Energy that comes from God/Universe. I was attuned in Reiki I and II in 2006 and then became a master in 2007. I took Matrix Energetics 1 and 2 in 2008 which is the year I started my practice. Then in 2011 I took the 3rd level. It is so amazing to me the wonderful changes and clearing that occurs to you during a session. I am the conduit or door that the energy passes through to you. Therefore, the possibilities for the healing, change/transformation is infinite. I became a certified RTT practitioner in 2019 from Marisa Peer’s program. It’s a hypnosis that is a bit different. I quickly get to the core problem and together we get it solved.
When I’m conducting a Healing Session, I sometimes receive messages from your guides and angels as well as see images. Even departed love ones sometimes show up to give you a message. I never know what is going to happen during a session which is why I find this so exciting and amazing. When we let go and let God/Universe/Source, true miracles can and do happen. It is such a joy to witness. I truly love this work.